It is the third day of the new year how are you doing with your resolutions so far? Hopefully all of you are still going strong! Going cold turkey is one way of attacking a bad habit and going all out on a new and better habit.
Depending on the person this may or may not work. I am here to help you reach your goals and not set you back. So going cold turkey will work for some, while others may just end up shooting themselves in the foot in a couple of days.
A easier way to drop the weight/fat is to systematically take out one junk food out of your diet. Example, Week One replace chips for almonds and other healthy nuts. Week Two Instead of two servings of carbohydrates only have one per meal and increase the protein intake.
By systematically taking out the "bad things" it makes reaching your goals much easier.
Healthy Regards,
Charles Trinh, MS, PES, CSCS, ACSM-cPT
FunctionWorks Fitness
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